Emotional Guidance System

Once upon a time, there was a girl born to be a “good girl”. She was meant to be the pride of her family.

Her will was bent to match the one set by her culture.

Her shell was built to protect her from her desires.

She was told she was lucky every time she was showered with permission.

And in moments of unexpected fall, she thought it must be only her at fault.

She grew up not knowing the powers she held and what it meant to have an ever-expanding emotional spectrum.

I am that girl. You may be that girl. We all have been that girl.

The one who blames her emotions and does not understand the unfairness of life she is dealt with.

Today, let us honor our little girls within. Let us allow our inner girl to be awakened to the power of her emotions.

In truth, our emotions are a guidance mechanism. They show us what we have been thinking, what we believe, and where we want to go.

Our thoughts create the series of emotions we feel. A thought this morning, could bring various waves of emotions throughout the day. A dominant thought in our everyday life becomes a belief, steering the train of our emotions for a longer period of time.

By paying close attention to how we feel, and by trying to name the emotion out loud, we awaken ourselves to the guidance of our emotions. Next time you feel an emotion ask yourself: Does this emotion feel light or heavy?

The good feeling emotions are light; they make us want to fly whereas bad feeling emotions are heavy, and they make us weigh ourselves down.

Allowing ourselves to fully feel the emotion expands our emotional intelligence. Even if it is the heaviest feeling at the moment. Most of us think that if we feel heavy or bad, we may empower that feeling by acknowledging it, so we shut it down. When in fact we strengthen that emotion by ignoring or suppressing it at the moment in which we experience it.

The key here, which for many of us got twisted the wrong way, is to not attach our identity to the emotions we feel. When you feel happy, you say I am a happy person. When you feel sad, you say I am a sad person. This is attaching your identity to your emotions.  

Because the nature of emotion is energy in motion i.e., they are always moving and shifting. As are we.

Instead, let us try to use our emotions as a guidance system for our well-being.

Our emotions tell us directly the quality of our thoughts.

In other words, our emotions are directly correlated to the quality of our thoughts.

If you feel heavy, it is because you have been thinking thoughts that place a heavy burden upon you. Heavy thoughts are any thoughts that are not in alignment with who you truly are. Similarly, light and happy thoughts are in alignment with who you are!

Our magical blessing is that we have complete control over the thoughts we choose to think.

We may have built habits to think a certain way, or our thoughts may have been influenced by our environment in a peculiar way.

Ultimately, we always have absolute power to choose our thoughts, whenever we want.

Having this awareness puts us back in the driver's seat of our well-being. Giving us the opportunity to invite our well-being in with every high-quality thought.

So anytime you notice yourself feeling heavy, shift your thoughts to thinking high-quality thoughts.

Please remember that everything in this expansive & inclusive universe is well and growing. So are we!

Anytime we think of a thought that is not in alignment with this truth, we feel heavy or sad. A resistance is built when we think about limiting thoughts about ourselves or others. And we feel this resistance through our emotions. Our emotions tell us when we are tight, heavy aka in resistance to our ever-flowing well-being.

And when we consciously begin to choose our high-quality thoughts, of well-being and of love, then we can immediately feel our emotions shift, in the moment and for the long run.

So, choose high-quality thoughts every day. As soon as your emotions begin to get heavy, play detective and observe the thoughts you have been thinking. Remind yourself that you can choose your thoughts and then choose the thought which makes you feel the most excited, highest, truest, and juiciest!  

Here are 2 tools that help you switch your thoughts to high quality:

  1. Imagination: As soon as you notice your emotions get heavy, begin to consciously imagine a place where you have everything you desire and are your whole self.

  2. Gratitude: The best and only prayer we ever need is saying “thank you thank you thank you” to ourselves for all the things we take for granted.

In our upcoming Sacred Sisterhood School this Sunday, I will be sharing with you 5 more Techniques that are simple and easily implementable to master your Emotional Guidance System and orchestrate thought patterns of the highest benefit to you. We will also get to practice them together.

Here is the link to reserve your spot.


Our First Desi Healing