The Power of Radical Self-Acceptance in Breaking Repetitive Life Patterns

Have you ever wondered why some scenarios repeat themselves even after you learned from them? 

If healing is an expanding spiral, and so is everything in the universe, then repetition means that you are stuck in a spiral you have already visited before. 

How does this happen? 

For the same reason, a daughter continues to behave like her mother even though she despises this behavior and goes to therapy to unlearn it. 

And that is a lack of radical self-acceptance. 

You are not radically accepting yourself if somewhere within your energy, you are rejecting who you are right now. Thoughts that align with this self-rejection are perfectionist or idealist and always attached to an older mental version of you. 

They sound like: “I am better than this so I will become better”

“This can’t be happening again, I have moved past this” 

“I am no longer allowing this into my life, so I will push it away” 

To fully heal from a pattern that lives in your family energetics or in your life’s story, you must have full awareness of this pattern (aka full SIGHT) and everything attached to it. From the roots the the fruits. 

Your ability to SEE the lesson fully - so that you can uproot the underlying beliefs -  remains CLOUDED if you do not accept yourself. 

So how do we accept ourselves?

It begins by accepting that you are where you are, accepting that only you can change your life, and accepting that holding on to an ideal outcome takes you out of the present moment. And your true healing (aka quantum jump to a bigger spiral) is always occurring in the now. Now is when you have the power to shift. And if you keep attaching to who you were or who you should be you are not in the now, hence disconnected from your power that can change everything.

Here are some key aspects of Self-Acceptance that will help you locate your NOW OF ACCEPTANCE:

  • Self-Acceptance is a Continuous Process: Many believe self-acceptance is a fixed state to be achieved. However, it's a fluid process that evolves with time and experiences. It requires ongoing effort and mindfulness, not just a one-time realization. Accepting can also be synonymous with Gratitude.

  • It Involves Accepting the Uncomfortable Parts: Self-acceptance isn't just about embracing the parts of oneself that are easy to like. It involves acknowledging and accepting the less comfortable parts – the mistakes, flaws, and past decisions that might not align with who you are today.

  • Self-Acceptance Doesn’t Mean Stagnation: There's a common misconception that accepting oneself means halting personal growth or improvement. On the contrary, true self-acceptance fuels growth by providing a stable, judgment-free foundation from which one can evolve.

  • It’s Not Equivalent to Self-Esteem: While related, self-acceptance is different from self-esteem. Self-esteem often depends on external factors like achievements or comparisons to others, while self-acceptance is about an unconditional embrace of oneself regardless of these factors.

  • Self-acceptance can alleviate Mental and Emotional Struggles: Self-acceptance can have a profound impact on mental health. It can significantly reduce the impact of negative emotions and mental stress, leading to a healthier, more balanced life.

  • It’s Deeply Personal and Unique: The journey to self-acceptance looks different for everyone. It's shaped by individual experiences, values, and beliefs. What works for one person in fostering self-acceptance may not work for another. Which is why it is important to seek professional guidance when needed.

  • Can Lead to Improved Relationships: Accepting oneself can lead to healthier, more authentic relationships. It reduces the need for approval and allows for more genuine connections with others.

  • Not Always Societally Supported: Societal norms often emphasize change and improvement, sometimes at the cost of encouraging people to accept who they are at the moment. Recognizing and navigating this societal aspect is an important part of the journey.

  • Radical Self-Acceptance brings you closer to your Intuition: The Intuitive voice within you always knows what is best for you and you can only hear by accepting where you are now so that it can lead you to where you desire to go.

    You can learn to embody Radical Self Acceptance in our new course “Unleash Your True Self - A Path to Empowerment & Healing” along with other necessary tools to live your most joyful life. This course is designed to liberate you from guilt, help you master the balance of giving and receiving, and empower you to live authentically with a fearless heart, effective communication, and deep, meaningful love.


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